This page doesn't have many awards and certificates yet but hopefully when I upgrade I can fill it up!

My first Certificate/Award was for the Rag Chewer's Club sponsored by the ARRL.  Thanks go out to WD4DPI (now K4GLC).  My long rag chew qso was with him.  My Second is a Certificate from a Sky Warn class.  The third is a certificate I got for working a special event station N224J as it was in the air.  N224J was a  B-24 from WWII.  I worked the station and was mobile on my way to Fayetteville when we heard it say it had problems and needed to land so we drove over to the airport and watched it fly over... what an AWESOME site!!!

ragchewer.jpg (30962 bytes)skywarn.jpg (53710 bytes)  b24.jpg (49211 bytes)